
Perryfields School: An Outstanding Learning Haven
March, 2024

Perryfields School: An Outstanding Learning Haven

In the heart of Chelmsford lies a beacon of educational excellence, a place where the seeds of knowledge are nurtured with kindness and respect. Perryfields Junior School, recently awarded an 'Outstanding' rating by Ofsted, stands as a testament to the power of a positive and inclusive learning environment.

With over 300 pupils, Perryfields is more than just a school; it's a community where every child is surrounded by an atmosphere of care. The Ofsted inspectors were particularly impressed by the way children are treated with the dignity they deserve, creating a culture where generosity and respect are not just taught but lived.

Under the dedicated leadership of headteacher Jane Hasler, the school delivers a well-crafted curriculum that caters to each child's needs, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The progress of every student is meticulously tracked, ensuring no one is left behind in their educational journey.

The behaviour of Perryfields' pupils is nothing short of exemplary. They don't just follow rules; they embody a spirit of positivity that is integral to the school's ethos. Their conduct is a reflection of their understanding of important societal issues such as safety, healthy relationships, and democracy.

But it's not just about academics; Perryfields encourages its students to take on roles of responsibility within the school. From house and art captains to sports leaders, the pupils embrace these roles with enthusiasm, contributing significantly to the school's vibrant community.

The Ofsted report highlights the school's embedded culture of generosity and respect, starting from the warm greetings at the school gate to the kindness, respect, and happiness demonstrated by the pupils. It's a place where human nature's best traits are not just encouraged but consistently displayed.

Mrs Hasler's pride in sharing the Ofsted report is palpable. She extends her gratitude to everyone who plays a vital role in the school's community, including children, staff, parents, and governors. Their collective efforts have ensured that Perryfields Junior School remains an outstanding place of learning, day in and day out.

For those local to Chelmsford, Perryfields Junior School is not just a school; it's a shining example of what education can and should be. It's a place where children love to learn and are equipped to show the very best of human nature.


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